
Three New Board Members to Join USP

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Three New Board Members to Join USP

Posted: Thursday, June 05, 2008

Written By: Brian Kirschner

Contact: Brian Kirschner

Contact Email: b.kirschner@usp.edu

Contact Phone: 215-895-1186

Two new members were recently elected and one alumni representative was appointed to serve on the board of trustees of University of the Sciences in Philadelphia. The responsibilities of USP’s board of trustees include approving the University’s strategic plans and ensuring their consistency with the institution’s mission and goals. Dr. Frank Baldino, Jr., and Dr. Raj Lakhanpal will serve as members at-large, and Lucy Malmberg as the alumni representative.

Frank Baldino, Jr., PhD, Chairman and CEO of Cephalon, Inc. founded Cephalon in 1987 and grew it from a privately held company to one of the top 10 public biotechnology companies in the U.S. with 2007 revenues of $1.77 billion. Dr. Baldino has nearly two decades of scientific experience in neurobiology, molecular biology, and electrophysiology, and has authored more than 100 publications in peer-reviewed journals, such as, Nature, Journal of Neuroscience Research, and Brain Research.

Raj Lakhanpal, MD, FRCS, FACEP, is founding president of TiE NJ-Philadelphia and an active angel investor in the U.S. and in India. He is also the founder of HealthAtoZ. As its president and CEO, he evolved the company from its original vision of delivering health and wellness information over the Internet to creating the top online wellness and personal health management system that helped Fortune 500 companies, such as General Motors, and many Blue Cross and Blue Shield Health Plans, etc., reduce and manage their healthcare costs. HealthAtoZ was acquired by UnitedHealth Group in 2006.

Alumna Lucy Malmberg, P’72, RPh, FACA, FACVP, is executive vice president and corporate secretary/treasurer of Wedgewood Pharmacy. She has more than 30 years experience in the pharmacy profession. She is a registered pharmacist in Pennsylvania and Delaware. As co-founder of Wedgewood Pharmacy, she has been instrumental in transforming the company from a strip-mall pharmacy purchased in 1981 into a multi-million dollar, specialized compounding pharmacy that is now one of the largest in the United States, serving more than 20,000 prescribers nationwide.

University of the Sciences in Philadelphia is a private, coeducational institution dedicated to education, research, and service. Comprising five colleges, including its new Mayes College of Healthcare Business and Policy, USP specializes in educating its 2,800 students for rewarding careers through its undergraduate, graduate, and doctoral degree programs in pharmacy, health and related sciences, and healthcare business and health policy. Founded in 1821 as the nation’s first college of pharmacy, it is where the founders of six of the top pharmaceutical companies in the world launched their futures.